Recording of the Week
“… there’s no sense that either Wilson or the individual players have hyper-focused on details at the expense of considering the bigger picture, and the pacing of each individual Part (as well as the sweep of the ballet as a whole) is beautifully judged… As usual with this hand-picked orchestra, there’s some superlative solo work: Wilson truly does have ‘rows and rows of the finest virtuosos’ at his command, and first among equals here is flautist Adam Walker … His piquant, gorgeously-phrased opening solo sets the tone for the entire recording, and such is the variety of colour which he summons that you’d swear he was playing different instruments for the War-Dance and the Pan/Syrinx episode in the Pantomime… All in all, then, yet another feather in Wilson and Sinfonia of London’s now lavishly-accessorised cap …”